INTERNATIONAL Olympia Musica project 2024



"Olympia Musica Paris 2024 Sport and Art to promote and develop Culture and Health"

It is a UNIQUE project of its kind, it is a format dedicated to the energy of music and the vigor of sport, born from an idea by Mirco Galliazzo in 2012 as a tribute to the London Olympic Games.

Then came the events surrounding the Rio 2016 edition and the Tokyo 2021 games and today we are ready to pay tribute to the 2024 games which will take place in Paris in France!

A synergy that involves dynamic realities and associations from the artistic, communication and sports sectors, at the forefront of which is the Artisti No Limits Association (A.N.L. for short) with its record labels, the Creative Lab and other sports, cultural and of social promotion..

The Mission intends to highlight the values, vitality, dynamism and vigor of sport combined with the energy, rhythm and expressive quality of music.."

In collaboration with media partners:

Artisti No Limits - Rockitaly - Musica folly - Virgin Musica - Italy Events - Euromusica Tv - Best Musica Magazine - Playlist Radio Network - Best Music Contest - Best Magazine - Best Star Magazine - DeFox Records -

Euro Musica - Veneto Rock - Strillo Strano - National Archive of Italian Rock Music

Festivals and partner events:

VenetoRock Festival - Bacchiglione Beat Festival - 80's Italian Metal Legion Festival - Best Music Contest - Olympia Musica - ANL Countdown - Roarrr Rock Festival

πŸ’₯ The CD is not intended for sale and digital streaming will be available on a free platform for a Project with Promotional purposes!

πŸ’₯ The FESTIVAL in the best venues and clubs

πŸ’₯ PROMOTION on Magazines, Newspapers, Webzines and Radio

About the SPECIAL project: "OLYMPIA MUSICA PARIS 2024"

the CD sampler is not for sale - it spreading for free among labels/musicians/gig-fests org/just a fans etc etc

Printed copies of the CD do not exceed 500 copies ... is a product exclusively for promotional purposes and not commercial!

The digital version of this CD will only appear on free streaming platform...the player will be shared thru media partners in each homepage site!

How to participate for the new edition on CD and digital streaming

The bands that intend to participate in the selections to be included in the COMPILATION must send to artistinolimits.musica[@]gmail[.]com

a message with a specific link to the Drive or Wetransfer with a folder to download and containing the requested material.

πŸ‘‰ One or more music tracks in 16 bit WAV format at 44 Hz and in mp3 [320 Kbps]

maximum timing: 5 minutes. Compositions free from contractual constraints, and possibly not administered by Siae.

πŸ‘‰ One or more photos in good quality and in Jpg format,

πŸ‘‰ A complete biography in Word format,

πŸ‘‰ Link to the site, social link of the band,

πŸ‘‰ Contact @mail and telephone number of the band contact/representative


Our staff will consider bands and artists from all over the world and songs belonging to the following musical genres: Classic Rock, Pop Rock, Blues, Hard Rock, Progressive and similar, Mainstream Pop, Alternative, Electronic, Metal and Punk.

The song must not contain explicit lyrics, vulgarity, racial prejudice, nor elements that violate the law or the rights of third parties, nor advertising messages in favor of people or otherwise.

Our staff will respond quickly to every email received.

The band or artist who, after careful evaluation, is deemed valid for inclusion in the compilation will receive a detailed proposal via email.

The songs will be evaluated based on recording quality, songwriting, artistic and instrumental technique, expressive ability and originality.

Participation in the compilation requires the signing of an agreement and the payment of a contribution.
